Prof. Dr. Arijit Sur visits LSI

We are glad for the visit of Prof. Dr. Arijit Sur, Professor, Dept. of CSE, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati to Intelligent Systems Lab (LSI) facilities this week. We have discussed with Prof. Sur various research issues regarding automatic drone navigation for...

LSI at IEEE MetroAeroSpace2023

Prof. David Martín presented yesterday morning our work titled “Real-time battery SOC estimation under hybrid power conditions using fast-OCV curve with unscented Kalman filters” at the 2023 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace. The work has been...

LSI takes part at VEHITS 2023

Last week several lab members attended the Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS) conference in Prague. Álvaro Ramajo has presented our work “3D object detection for Autonomous Vehicles: a practical review” and  David Yagüe has...

New project funded by the AEI

The project “Artificial Intelligence for road mobility service” has been approved by the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion. Until the end of 2025, we will develop new applications of Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Vehicles, with an emphasis on perception,...

Alvaro Ramajo receives an award

Alvaro Ramajo, one of our PhD students, received yesterday the Best Student Award of the Robotics and Automation Master at Carlos III University of Madrid. Congratulations and keep up the good...