ITCL & LSI agreement

The Intelligent Systems Laboratory and the Technological Institute of Castilla y León formalize a collaboration agreement in the field of computer vision...

Dr. Zhuoyao He postdoctoral stay

Welcome to Dr. Zhuoyao He from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China). During the next year and a half (postdoctoral stay) he will participate in the research work developed by LSI in the field of autonomous...

Laserlight project demo

The LSI research group has received this week the visit of the CDTI to evaluate the results obtained in the Laserlight project carried out with the company Sacyr. The project aims to facilitate the inventory of luminaires and optimize their energy...

New project funded

The LSI research group of the UC3M together with two research groups of the UPM and UEM has been awarded a research project in the call for R+D+i Projects “Proof of Concept” 2021 with a funded budget of 150,000...

Captive drone flight

Real experiments with one captive drone of the Intelligent Systems Laboratory where the development of a novel navigation system that allows a captive drone to monitor the environment from an aerial viewing angle is observed....

Cover page of the journal Electronics

The article “Project ARES: Driverless Transportation System. Challenges and Approaches in an Unstructured Road” by Pablo Marin-Plaza, David Yagüe, Francisco Royo, Miguel Ángel de Miguel, Francisco Miguel Moreno, Alejandro Ruiz-de-la-Cuadra, Fernando...