José María Armingol Moreno
Position: Full Professor
Telephone: +34 916245926
Address: Avda de la Universidad 30, 28911, Leganés, Madrid
Office: 1.3.B.10
- ORCID: 0000-0002-3353-9956
- Web of Science ResearcherID: K-6816-2014
- Google Scholar: José María Armingol
- Consorcio Madroño: José María Armingol
- AD Scientific Index ID: 5004928
Brief Bio
José María Armingol Moreno is since 2012 Full Professor in the Department of Systems Engineering and Automatics at the Carlos III University of Madrid. His research activity has focused on the development of sensory perception systems based on computer vision and laser technology, with the aim of designing driving assistance systems, automated vehicle guidance and road perception. The research activity has been carried out within the framework of the 30 research projects in which he has participated as a researcher, in 16 of them as principal investigator, all of them with funding from the European Union, National Plan, Autonomous Communities and other public or private bodies subject to external evaluation. He has participated in 41 projects linked to the transfer of knowledge to the productive sector, being the responsible researcher in 22 of them; he is also co-author of four patents and responsible for several training courses for qualified personnel. As a result of this research activity, Prof. Armingol has been awarded four six-year research fellowships corresponding to the periods 1994-1999, 2000-2005, 2006-2011 and 2012-2017 (relative coefficient of 100%), and one six-year fellowship for knowledge transfer and innovation (2011-2016). He has published 75 articles in international journals, 65 of them in JCR indexed journals. He has also co-authored more than 150 papers in international and national conferences. The impact of his research is reflected by the number of citations of his research papers (6773 citations according to Google Scholar – H=42). Prof. Armingol presents about twenty research papers in collaboration with foreign researchers from the University of Parma (Italy), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany), University of Coimbra (Portugal), Queen Mary University (UK), University of Buffalo and Carnegie Mellon University (USA), Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria), Cairo University (Egypt) and Shanghai University (China). In 2005, together with other professors, he formed the “Intelligent Systems Laboratory” Research Group, which he has directed since its foundation and which currently (January 2025) has 20 researchers. He has supervised a total of 20 doctoral theses and is currently editor of several scientific journals. In 2014 he was recognised with the Eduardo Barreiros Foundation Award in the VIII Edition of the Awards for the best scientific research work related to the automotive sector: “Integrated system for automatic collision avoidance” and the enerTIC Award 2019 for the Cities Timanfaya project (Intelligent Concept for an Integrated, Ecological and Safe Transport). His research papers have received a dozen awards at international and national conferences. Prof. Armingol was Deputy Vice-Rector for Students and University Life from 2009 to 2015.
Recent Public Projects
- SEGVAUTO 5Gen-CM. Funded by Comunidad de Madrid. 2025 – 2028
- Digital Link between Condition-based-maintenance and Freight Train Operation. Funded by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. 2024-2026
- System to guarantee minimum risk conditions in the event of failures in autonomous vehicles: Perception for situational awareness and environment simulation. Funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. 2023-2026
- Intelligent traffic monitoring infrastructure for mobility management: Analysis and interpretation of the environment. Funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. 2023-2024
- System for the automation of public and shared transport vehicles for semi-structured environments: Analysis and interpretation of the environment. Funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. 2021-2023
- SEGVAUTO-4CM. Funded by Comunidad de Madrid. 2019 – 2022
- Integration of Cooperative Systems for Autonomous Vehicles in Shared Traffic. Funded by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad. 2017 – 2019
- Enhanced Neutralization of explosive Threats Reaching across the Plot (ENTRAP). Funded by EU. 2017-2019
- SEGVAUTO-TRIES – Vehicle Safety: Efficient and Suistanable Transport. Funded by Comunidad de Madrid. 2014 – 2018
- Advanced Driver Behaviour Analysis . Funded by DGT. 2015 – 2016
- Sensorial Fusion for Maneuver Analysis in Urban Environments for ADAs. Funded by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad. 2014 – 2016
- SEGVAUTO – Vehicle Safety. Funded by Comunidad de Madrid. 2010 – 2014
- FERRODRON. Funded by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad. 2015 – 2017
- AVATTRACK. Funded by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad. 2014 – 2016
Recent Private Projects
- Design and manufacture of an autonomous exploration and reconnaissance vehicle – UGV RECO. Funded by Cohemo. 2024-2025
- Development of a three-dimensional, hyperspectral reconstruction of environments explored by robots. Funded by ITCL. 2021-2025
- Movilidad 2030. Funded by Sacyr. 2020-2024
- Interpretatic. Funded by Tragsa. 2019-2022
- Intelligent aerial platform with complete coverage for the protection and surveillance of facilities using computer vision. Funded by Dronne Hopper. 2019-2020
- Cities Timanfaya. Funden by Government of Lanzarote. 2018-2021
- Diseño del sistema de navegación y control de un UAV. Funded by COPISA. 2016
- Proyecto de viabilidad de la comunicación entre el Bus CAN de un vehículo específico con un dispositivo de adquisición de datos móviles. Funded by SERCORE TECH. 2015
Laterst Journal Publications
- “Spot-checking Machine Learning algorithms for Tool Wear Monitoring in automatic drilling operations in CFRP/Ti6Al4V/Al stacks in the aircraft industry”. Carlos Domínguez, Álvaro Ramajo, José María Armingol Moreno, José Luis Cantero. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. Vol.77, pp.96-111, 2024
- “Battery Parameter Identification for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Hybrid Power System”. Zhuoyao He, David Martín Gómez, Pablo Flores Peña, Arturo de la Escalera Hueso, Xingcai Lu, José María Armingol Moreno. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. Vol.31, pp. 341-362. 2024
- “ 3D Vehicle Detection and Pose Estimation in Monocular Images for Smart Infrastructures”. Javier Borau, Álvaro Ramajo, José María Armingol Moreno. Mathematics. Vol.12, pp.1-17. 2024
- “Intelligent Infrastructure for Traffic Monitoring Based on Deep Learning and Edge Computing”. Jaime Villa, Franz García, Rubén Jover, Ventura Martinez, José Mª Armingol. Journal of Advanced Transportation. Vol.2024 ID: 3679014, pp: 16. 2024
- “Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition Using YOLO Object Detection Algorithm: A Systematic Review”. Marco Flores-Calero, César A. Astudillo, Diego Guevara, Jessica Maza, Bryan S. Lita, Bryan Defaz, Juan S. Ante, David Zabala-Blanco, José María Armingol Moreno. Mathematics. Vol.1, pp.1-31, 2024
- “Dual license plate recognition and visual features encoding for vehicle identification”. A. Ramajo, A. de la Escalera, J. M. Armingol. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. Vol.172, pp.1-12. 2024
- “Real-time battery SOC estimation under hybrid power conditions using fast-OCV curve with unscented Kalman filters”. Zhuoyao He, David Martín Gómez, Arturo De la Escalera Hueso, Pablo Flores Peña, Xingcai Lu, José María Armingol Moreno. Sensors. Vol.23, 6429. pp.1-16. 2023
- “An Improved Deep Learning Architecture for Multi-Object Tracking Systems”. J. Urdiales, D. Martín, J. M. Armingol. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. Vol.30, pp.121 -134. 2023
- “ Hierarchical Generator of Tracking Global Hypotheses”. María José Gómez-Silva, Arturo de la Escalera, José María Armingol. Expert Systems with Applications. 2022
- “ Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems for Vehicle Identification Based on Multinet Architecture”. Jacobo González-Cepeda, Álvaro Ramajo, José María Armingol. Information. Vol.13, Nº 7, pp.1-26. 2022
- “Vehicle’s trajectory prediction using Recurrent VAE network”. Miguel A. de Miguel, José Mª Armingol, Fernando García. IEEE Access. Vol.10, pp.32742-32749. 2022
- “Project ARES: Driverless Transportation System. Challenges and Approaches in an Unstructured Road”. Pablo Marin-Plaza, David Yagüe, Francisco Royo, Miguel Ángel de Miguel, Francisco Miguel Moreno, Alejandro Ruiz-de-la-Cuadra, Fernando Viadero-Monasterio, Javier García, José Luis San Roman, José María Armingol. Electronics. Vol.10, 1753, pp.1 -29. 2021
- “Back-Propagation of the Mahalanobis Distance through a Deep Triplet Learning Model for Person Re-Identification”. M. J. Gómez-Silva, A. de la Escalera, J. M. Armingol. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. Vol.28, pp.277 -294. 2021
- “Dataset Construction from Naturalistic Driving in Roundabouts”. L. García Cuenca, C. Guindel, N. Aliane, J. M. Armingol, J. Fernández. Sensors. Vol.20, 7151, pp.1 -14. 2020
- “Deep Learning of Appearance Affinity for Multi-Object Tracking and Re-Identification: a comparative view”. María José Gómez, Arturo de la Escalera, José María Armingol. Electronics. Vol.9 Nº 1757, pp.1 -29. 2020
- “Study of the Effect of Exploiting 3D Semantic Segmentation in LiDAR Odometry”. F. M. Moreno, C. Guindel, J. M. Armingol, F. García. Applied Science. Vol.10, 5657, pp.1 -12 .2020
- “Improved LiDAR Probabilistic Localization for Autonomous Vehicles Using GNSS”. M.A. de Miguel, F. García, J. M. Armingol. Sensors. Vol.20, 11, pp.1 -13. 2020
- “Transferring Learning from Multi-Person Tracking to Person Re-identification”. M. J. Gómez-Silva, E. Izquierdo, A. de la Escalera, J. M. Armingol. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering . Vol.: 26, Nº 4, pp. 329- 344. 2019
- “A Vision-Based Navigation System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)”. A. Al-Kaff, A. De La Escalera, J. M. Armingol. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. Vol. 26 pp. 297-310. 2019
- “Appearance-based Tracking Algorithm for Aerial Search and Rescue Purposes”. A. Al-Kaff, M.J. Gómez, F.J. Moreno A. De La Escalera, J. M. Armingol. Sensors. Vol. 19 pp. 2-30. 2019
- “Traffic scene awareness for intelligent vehicles using ConvNets and stereo vision”. C. Guindel, D. Martín, J. M. Armingol. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. Vol.112 pp. 109-122. 2019
- “Fast Joint Object Detection and Viewpoint Estimation for Traffic Scene Understanding”. C. Guindel, D. Martín, J. M. Armingol. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. Vol. 10 pp. 74-86. 2018
- “Hybrid Optimization-Based Approach for Multiple Intelligent Vehicles Requests Allocation”. Ahmed Hussein, Pablo Marín-Plaza, Fernando García, José María Armingol. Journal of Advanced Transportation. Vol. 2018 pp. 11. 2018
- “Survey of Computer Vision Algorithms and Applications for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”. Abdulla Al-Kaff, David Martín, Fernando García, Arturo de la Escalera, José María Armingol. Expert Systems with Applications. Vol. 92 pp. 447-463. 2018
- “Obstacle Detection and Avoidance System based on Monocular Camera and Size Expansion algorithm for UAVs”. A. Al-Kaff, F. García, D. Martin, A. De La Escalera, J. M. Armingol. Sensors. Vol. 17 pp. 1-22. 2017
- “Sensor Fusion Methodology for Vehicle Detection”. F. García, D. Martín, A. de la Escalera, J. M. Armingol. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. Vol. 9 pp. 123-133. 2017
- “Data Fusion for Driver Behaviour Analysis”. J. Carmona, F. García, D. Martín, A. de la Escalera, J. M. Armingol. Sensors. Vol.15 pp. 25968-25991. 2015.
- “Intelligent Surveillance of Indoor Environments Based on Computer Vision and 3D Point Cloud Fusion”. M. J. Gómez , F. García, D. Martín , A. de la Escalera , J. M. Armingol. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 42 (21), pp 218–229, 2015.
- “Fusión de Escáner Laser y Visión por Computador para la Detección de Peatones en Entornos Viarios”. “. F. García, J. García, A. Ponz, J. M. Armingol and A. de la Escalera.Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial (RIAI). 2015.
- “Driver Monitoring Based on Low-Cost 3-D Sensors,”. G. Pelaez , F. Garcia, , A. de la Escalera, J.M. Armingol. Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on , vol.15, no.4, pp.1855,1860, 2014.
- “IVVI 2.0: An intelligent vehicle based on computational perception”. D. Martín, , F. García, B. Musleh, D. Olmeda, G. Peláez, P. Marín, A. Ponz, C. Rodríguez, A. Al-Kaff, A. de la Escalera, J.M. Armingol Expert Systems with Applications. Volume 41, Issue 17, 1 pp: 7927–7944, 2014.
- “Context aided pedestrian detection for danger estimation based on laser scanner and computer vision”. F. García, J. García, A. Ponz, A. de la Escalera, J. M. Armingol. 2014, Expert Systems with Applications. Volume 41, Issue 15, 1, pp: 6646–6661, 2014.
- “Distributed Pedestrian Detection Alerts Based on Data Fusion with Accurate Localization”. F. García, F. Jiménez, J.J. Anaya, J.M. Armingol , J.E. Naranjo, A. de la Escalera. Volumen 13.Sensors. pp: 11687-11708. Oct. 2013.
- enerTIC Award 2019 to the Cities Timanfaya project (Smart Concept for an Integrated, Ecological and Safe Transport).
- VIII Barreiros Foundation award to the best research in the automotive field in the year 2014
- Advisor of: 3rd award to the best PhD dissertation, by the Spanish chapter ITSS. Period 2013-15.
- Co-author of Best student paper in congress Vehits 2015
- Co-author of Best student paper in congress Soli 2015
- Co-author of finalist ot the best paper in computer vision in “Jornadas de Automática 2015”.
Electronics and Automatics Engineering
Automatics Applications in Vehicles
Control Engineering
Real Time Systems
Master in Robotics and Automation
Computer Vision
Intelligent Transport Systems