System for the automation of public and shared transport vehicles for semi-structured environments

The time horizon for high-level automation systems is long term and a proliferation of level four or five autonomous vehicles with such capabilities in a wide range of scenarios and with a high number of functionalities is not foreseen in the coming years.

However, vehicles for the mobility of small groups of people in structured or semi-structured environments at relatively low speeds are gaining considerable interest. These developments are perceived in certain market as an initial step towards the horizon represented by the circulation of cars on open roads with levels four or five.

However, since there are already companies in this sector, the technological leap represents a barrier to entry for new players who would like to get involved in these solutions, with the ability to develop the vehicle, but not so much to implement the automation layer.

In this sense, this project aims to achieve a unique product close to the market (TRL 8 – Complete and qualified system) for the automation of vehicles for transporting people in semi-structured environments such as shuttles or shared vehicles for people mobility, reaching SAE