Design and manufacture of an autonomous vehicle for exploration and reconnaissance

As part of the 2022 edition of the Ministry of Defence’s COINCIDENTE R+D projects, a combatant support robot for exploration and reconnaissance has been developed together with the company COHEMO y el Regimiento Farnesio Nº 12.
The UGV RECO has a set of advanced capabilities that make it ideal for the field of autonomous recognition. It has a day and thermal vision camera that provides effective surveillance during the day and night, a real-time LIDAR mapping system for the precise creation of both 2D and 3D maps, optimizing autonomous navigation and decision-making.
TIt has the possibility of changing from wheels to chains, so it can operate on various types of terrain, an automatic return system that ensures the recovery of the vehicle even in complicated or unforeseen situations. It has three operating modes: teleoperated, semi-autonomous and fully autonomous.